Unlocking Accuracy: mCluez Solution Transforms Corrosion Monitoring in Process Industries



The role of corrosion monitoring cannot be overlooked in process industries. Yet, many industries rely mainly on manual inspection data that are limited in accuracy and precision which makes the subsequent analysis of determining corrosion rates complex. The challenges posed by traditional corrosion monitoring methods necessitate a paradigm shift towards more accurate and precise solutions.


So, how can corrosion monitoring evolve to meet the demands of process industries? Join Sascha Schieke, Director of Corrosion Monitoring Solutions, Marcel Karolys, Director of Sales, at mPACT2WO, and Kerry Cole, Editor at AMPP Publications in this captivating discussion at the AMPP (Association for Materials Protection and Performance) Conference and Expo. They discuss the challenges faced by process industries in corrosion inspections and share how mCluezTM is empowering industrial plants to navigate them with confidence.


This compelling interview highlights the risks of inaccuracies and potential leaks stemming from traditional approaches which can lead to inefficiencies in maintenance practices and, in worst-case scenarios, catastrophic leaks.


Discover the innovative mCluezTM solution, driven by Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT). Featuring high-fidelity sensors, advanced analytics, and intuitive software, mCluezTM delivers accurate corrosion insights with contextual information for optimizing processes and maintenance across various process industries like oil and gas, petrochemicals, and chemicals.


Watch the interview now and delve deeper into the transformative insights shared by Sascha and Marcel.


Contact us today to learn more about our transformative mCluezTM Corrosion Monitoring solution.